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Reality Tour
The Reality Tour® program brings AUSD parents, students, educators, local law enforcement and community volunteers to the table. Together, we create a powerful experience that can influence the conversations and choices of our teens for years to come. Reality Tour allows youth and families the opportunity to address peer pressure, substance abuse & mental health concerns unique to our community. Based on our overwhelming response last year, this year we will have two possible dates to attend. Dinner will be served to participants. Space is limited, so sign up soon!

Drug-Free World
Lighthouse Atascadero held two Reality Tour events this past February and March. Both were well attended and the positive feedback from our attendees justify the countless hours and volunteerism that we put into the events. We would like to thank our partners that make the Reality Tour a “reality”.
Thank you to The Atascadero Police and Fire Departments. Thanks to our partners at our local Chapel of Roses funeral home and the Atascadero Unified School District. A special thanks to the Atascadero High School drama team for providing their talent and the Paloma Creek High School students for providing Atascadero Lighthouse Coffee Company coffee at the two events. Thank you also to the City of Atascadero and the Pavilion staff for providing a fantastic venue for the Reality Tours. To all of our community members that volunteered to make the Reality Tour a success, a heartfelt thank you!!!
CANDLE, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization devoted to preventing substance abuse. CANDLE, Inc. created the substance abuse prevention program called, The Reality Tour. This program has won numerous awards and has received great acclaim by professionals in the field. In 2011 it was added to the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) listing of programs. CANDLE, Inc. and The Reality Tour have a rich and interesting history.
Making a Difference Every Day for the Youth in Our Community
Partners and Supporters

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
PO Box 3120, Atascadero, CA 93423
Call Us: (805) 703-1344
LIGHTHOUSE Atascadero and the youth it supports appreciates your consideration in making a donation.
LIGHTHOUSE is a program of the Atascadero Greyhound Foundation 501(c)3 – Tax I.D. #77-0390865